When my neighbor baked this for me, I immediately requested the recipe


The tantalizing aroma of butter and toasted pecans wafting through your kitchen isn't just a sensory delight. It's an invitation to memories, warmth, and comfort. That's precisely the sentiment that a slice of our Butter Pecan Pound Cake delivers.

Why You Should Try This Cake: A Personal Tale

Imagine this scene: a serene Sunday afternoon, the joy of sharing precious moments with your family under the golden embrace of sunlight, all while relishing this delicious pound cake. Every bite is a dance of buttery richness, accentuated with the sweetness of caramelized pecans. It was in such moments that I truly understood the magic of food – its unique ability to weave connections, etch memories, and deliver unparalleled solace. Today, this Butter Pecan Pound Cake isn't just a dessert; it's a legacy, a testament to cherished memories.

Butter Pecan Pound Cake Recipe


For the cake:

3¼ cups of cake flour

1½ cups of chopped pecans

6 eggs, room temperature

1½ cups softened butter

8 ounces softened cream cheese

3 cups packed brown sugar

1½ teaspoons vanilla extract

For the frosting:

8 ounces cream cheese

3 cups powdered sugar

½ cup butter

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Set the oven to preheat at 325°F (163°C). Thoroughly grease a 10-inch tube pan using butter or cooking spray.

Toast the pecans in a skillet over medium heat until they release their aroma and take on a golden hue. Stir frequently to prevent scorching. Once toasted, set aside.

Cream the butter and cream cheese together in a large mixing bowl until smooth.

Incorporate the brown sugar into the creamy mixture gradually, beating until it achieves a fluffy consistency.

Add eggs one at a time, ensuring each is well-blended before introducing the next.

Gently fold in the cake flour without overmixing.

Mix in the toasted pecans and vanilla, ensuring even distribution.

Transfer the batter into the prepared pan, leveling the surface.

Bake for roughly 1 hour and 30 minutes. The cake is done when a toothpick comes out clean from its center.

Allow the cake to cool in the pan for about 15 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

For the frosting, whisk together the cream cheese, butter, powdered sugar, and vanilla until smooth.

Once the cake is cooled, frost it generously.

Optionally, you can garnish with extra chopped pecans.

Before serving, let the frosting set. Slice and savor!

Regardless of the occasion, whether it's a momentous family gathering or a personal indulgence, this Butter Pecan Pound Cake promises to be a favorite. Dive into this realm of buttery delight and toasted pecan wonder, and witness the magic unfold.

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