Roasted Rosemary Potato

  Roasted Rosemary Potato

 Roasted potatoes with rosemary are an easy and quick appetizer that can be prepared alongside various dishes. It is characterized by rosemary, which gives potatoes a delicious taste in the oven.

 Preparation time: 15 minutes

 Cooking time: 30 minutes

 Total time: 45 minutes


 2 large potatoes

 1 teaspoon salt

 1 teaspoon baking powder

 ½ cup olive oil

 3 sprigs of rosemary (rosemary)

 3 cloves of minced garlic

 3 tablespoons chopped parsley

 How to prepare

 Peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes, then put them in boiling water with salt and baking powder.

 Leave the potatoes for about ten minutes, until they are soft and soft, then drain them from the water and set them aside.

 Put the olive oil in a frying pan and add the fresh chopped rosemary and garlic, and stir until the garlic takes on color.

 Drain the rosemary and garlic from the oil and set them aside, then put the boiled potato cubes in the oil and stir until they take on the flavor and absorb the oil.

 We put parchment paper on the oven tray, add the potatoes, then put the tray in the oven at 200 for about 20 minutes.

 Turn the potato cubes from time to time until they have color on all sides.

 Put potatoes in a plate, add rosemary, garlic and parsley, and stir well.

 We put the rosemary-infused potatoes in a serving dish and then they are ready.

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