Homemade bathroom cleaner


Equal parts Dawn Blue and White Vinegar

I use 1 cup of each.

I measure 1c of vinegar into a 2c measuring cup.

Heat it in the microwave for one minute, then pour it out at dawn until the liquid level reaches 2°C.


Pour (use a funnel if necessary) into a spray bottle.

I have found that incorporating them into my measuring cup means the dawn is less wasted and I don't have to whip out a spoon to make a huge mess of soap. 😉

Spray it on and let it sit for 10 minutes, then wipe it off with a kitchen sponge and rinse with water. ++ Loyalty Alert: Depending on how long since I last cleaned the bathroom, I can usually use the soft side of a kitchen sponge...sometimes when I'm lazy, I need to use the rough side. But anyway, I can't say that I had to use elbow grease to clean things up. 🙂

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