Chicken salad sandwich


 * Constituents 

 °C hicken and celery salad 
 ° 340g (2 mugs) cooked funk, cubed 
.° 2 stalks diced celery 
 ° 4 onions, finely hash 
. ° 90 ml (6 soupspoons) mayonnaise 
 ° 30 ml (2 tsp) bomb- juice 
° 100g atrophied feta rubbish ( voluntary) 
 ° 1 birthstone, halve horizontally 
. ° 40 g (1 12 mugs) baby spinach 
° 10 g (1/4 mug) celery leaves 
 ° 15 ml (1 teaspoon) olive canvas 
 ° 4 long sandwich toothpicks 

 * Preparation 

 Funk and celery salad 
 In a coliseum, mix all constituents. Salt and Pepper. 
 Garnish the chuck base with funk salad. Cover with spinach and celery leaves and mizzle with canvas. Close the chuck. Burrow with four toothpicks and cut them into four sections. 


  1. looks like there are also grapes. I hate recipes that do that
    Why is your recipe pictures ar written and supposedly presented in 4 pieces? that's why I don't try your stuff

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